The key problem of classical mechanics is that there is no intrinsic
definition of an inertial reference frame.
Classical non-relativistic mechanics admits the adequate mathematical formulation
in terns of fibre bundle Q->R over the time
axis R. In this framework, a reference frame is defined as a
trivialization of this fibre bundle or, equivalently, as a connection on Q->R.
A second order dynamic equation is called a free motion equation if it
can be brought into the form of a zero acceleration ddq/dtdt=0 with
respect to some reference frame, and this reference frame is
said to be inertial for this equation. Thus a definition of an inertial frame
depends on the choice of a free motion equation.
A problem is that, given a different free motion equation ddq’/dtdt=0,
an inertial reference frame for it fails to be so the first free motion
equation ddq/dtdt=0, and their relative velocity is not
In view of this problem, one should write dynamic equations of
non-relativistic mechanics in terms of relative velocities and accelerations
with respect to an arbitrary reference frame. However, in this case the strict
mathematical notions of a relative acceleration and a non-inertial force are
rather sophisticated.
Relative non-relativistic mechanics, arXiv: 0708.2998
G.Giachetta, L.Mangiarotti and G.Sardanashvily, Geometric Formulation of Classical and Quantum Mechanics (WS, 2010)
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