The God has created a man in order that he creates that the God fails to do

Sunday 18 September 2011

“Quantum” causality of the ancient Greeks

In ancient Greek philosophy and art, the following problem was carefully developed. According to Greek religion, the destiny of a man (or gods) was predetermined: great Moirae span its thread. But a man is not deprived of the freedom of will and action. Just, whatever the ways he does not choose, they all lead to a predetermined result. Troy had to be destroyed, and no matter how events developed, it fell. Nobody specially arranged this, just it always happened by itself. Thus, knowledge of the final (the fall of Troy) could not prevent this final: in this sense, the principle of causality was not violated.

So in quantum mechanics, a quantum system is transformed from one fixed state into another fixed state, but the way of transition is not pre-ordained. For example, an electron in a hydrogen atom passes from one energy level to another and radiates,  that is well-described, but the way that it transits is unknown. Let us call this the "quantum" principle of causality. Knowledge of the future does not violate it.

Having found out his future in some way, a man can change his behaviour, but nothing, that he could make, can not change the predetermined final. Indeed, everyone knows that he is mortal, but none that he does, he dies - the "quantum" causality principle in action.

Seers and travels to the future do not violate the "quantum" principle of causality.

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